Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels For 2015

Happy New Year, readers!

Let’s start the year with a fun post – a ‘Top Ten Tuesday’ post. ‘Top Ten Tuesday’ is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in an effort to encourage bloggers to talk about books.

The topic for the first Tuesday in 2015 is ‘ Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels For 2015’. Here is a list of books that would be a great addition to SS Readers Corner:

‘Private Vegas’ by James Patterson

Expected release date: 26th of January 2015
Genre: Thriller

‘Private Vegas’ by James Patterson

‘We are Pirates’ by Daniel Handler

Expected release date: 3rd of February 2015
Genre: General fiction

‘We are Pirates’ by Daniel Handler

‘Mightier than The Sword’ by Jeffrey Archer

Expected release date: 24th of February 2015
Genre: Thriller

‘Mightier than the Sword’ by Jeffrey Archer

‘Prodigal Son’ by Danielle Steel

Expected release date: 24th of February 2015
Genre: General Fiction

‘Prodigal Son’ by Danielle Steel

‘The Buried Giant’ by Kazuo Ishiguro

Expected publication: 5th of March 2015
Genre: General Fiction

‘The Buried Giant’ by Kazuo Ishiguro

‘Memory Man’ by David Baldacci

Expected release date: 21st of April 2015
Genre: Thriller

‘Memory Man’ by David Baldacci

‘Darkest Before Dawn’ by Maya Banks

Expected release: 2nd of June 2015
Genre: Romantic suspense

‘Darkest before Dawn’ by Maya Banks

‘In The Unlikely Event’ by Judy Blume

Expected release date: 2nd of June 2015
Genre: General fiction

‘In the Unlikely Event’ by Judy Blume

‘Hard to Let Go’ by Laura Kaye

Expected release date: 30th of June 2015
Genre: Romantic Suspense

‘Hard to Let Go’ by Laura Kaye

‘Brown-Eyed Girl’ by Lisa Kleypas

Expected release date: 11th of August 2015
Genre: Contemporary romance

‘Brown-Eyed Girl’ by Lisa Kleypas

Are any of these eagerly-awaited books in your list? What other books that you cannot wait to purchase and read? Share your comments in the comment box below.

‘The Rosie Project’: book-to-movie adaptation coming soon

Pssst have you heard about ‘The Rosie Project‘ by Graeme Simsion? If you haven’t, this is what the story is about:

Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a “wonderful” husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical—most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.

Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent—and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don’s Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie—and the realisation that love is not always what looks good on paper.

‘The Rosie Project’ by Graeme Simsion

There is even a book trailer (click ‘Play’ to view):

Sony Pictures has bought the movie rights to the novel and approached Phil Lord and Christopher Miller to direct. Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber (past works include ‘(500) Days Of Summer’ and ‘The Fault In Our Stars’) are set to write the screenplay. No news on the cast and tentative release date.

For more information on the book and movie, visit the official website and/or Facebook page. You could also follow the author on Twitter.

New arrivals – 28/09/2014

Dear customers,

These books are new arrivals at the store:

Title Author Genre
The Courier Andrew Britton Thriller
Blood Lies Richard Marcinko & Jim DeFelice Thriller
The October List Jeffery Deaver Thriller
Run to You Rachel Gibson Contemporary romance
What I Love about You Rachel Gibson Contemporary romance
Dangerous Refuge Elizabeth Lowell Romantic suspense
The Earl’s Mistress Liz Carlyle Historical romance

Please call Mr Sam if you would like to borrow the book(s).

Author-readers interaction: #2.1 Facebook event

In my previous post about the benefits of Facebook to an author, I focused mostly on the use of Facebook page.

Recently, I discovered that some authors used Facebook events to conduct their book release parties. I think it is a great idea because it transcends geographic borders. It costs much lesser than your standard party: authors do not need to hire a venue and book caterers, invite press and/or fans while invited guests themselves do not need to spend on travelling and lodging. Therefore using Facebook for book launch allows more people to take part.

For the past two weeks, I participated in book release parties held by my favourite authors, Robin Covington and Catherine Bybee. On 5th of August 2014, Ms Covington launched “Temptation”, her firsts book in New Adult genre. A week later, Ms Bybee released the fifth book in her Weekday Brides series “Taken by Tuesday”.

Virtual release day parties by Robin Covington and Catherine Bybee

Virtual release day parties by Robin Covington and Catherine Bybee

In addition to having so much fun, I learnt new things in book marketing. Here are five points that I learnt from the virtual release day parties:

Event name

Robin Covington named her book launch as “Temptation Release Day Slumber Party” – that’s very catchy! The event was held in the evening (USA time) and invitees were encouraged to wear their pyjamas. The author herself was really dressed in pyjamas (there was a photo evidence!).

Timing/duration of event

“Temptation Release Day Slumber Party” was two hours long while “Taken by Tuesday Release Day Party” took place during office hours (9 am till 5 pm). I enjoyed two-hour party more than the longer one because I was able to “be present” throughout the entire duration. I missed some activities at Ms Bybee’s party because I slept (there was a 15 hour time difference).

Guest appearances

There were many authors that attended and supported the event. It was a great opportunity to introduce new authors to the party-goers. Each guest author during Robin Covington’s party had 15 minute session with participants, which I thought was short. I was distracted during the party so by the time I posted and read comments by other participants, the guest author’s time was up and it was another author’s turn. There was slightly longer time to interact with guest authors at Ms Bybee’s party, which is slightly better.


The parties were filled with giveaways by the hosts and guest authors. Most giveaways involved simple questions such as “What’s your favourite romance sub-genre?” and “Who’s your favourite book hero of all time?”. Some giveaways were challenging, for example “What is the author Debra Holland’s other profession?” and “What other pen name Caridad Pineiro writes under?”. I had to look up Goodreads or the author’s website to find the answer. Some giveaways by guest authors involved liking Facebook page as proof of entry. Now that’s a clever strategy to increase fanbase! I’d say giveaways are compulsory in a book launch party!

Engage the party-goers

What better way to engage the party-goers than with interesting conversational topics. Since majority of heroes in romance novels are good-looking men with great physique and masculine confidence, debates on hot men were a must! Examples include “a trait in hero a reader find most attractive” and “favourite athlete hottie”. There were also topics that did not involve men, for instance a beautiful diamond ring posted by Catherine Bybee. Overall, there were comments to each post so one could assume that party-goers were engaged and had fun at the party.

As a reader who lives far far away from her favourite authors, I truly appreciate any book-related events that are conducted online and open to participants all over the world. I’d love to participate in these events not just to have fun but also to learn as much as I can.

So authors, why not set up a Facebook Event page for your next book launch? Feel free to extend an invitation to me by leaving the event’s details in the comment box below.

New Arrivals – 26/07/2014


Good news for SS Readers customers. There are 24 newly arrived books at the store!

Title Author Genre
Wicked Nights Gena Showalter Paranormal romance
Beauty Awakened Gena Showalter Paranormal romance
Burning Dawn Gena Showalter Paranormal romance
Air Bound Christine Feehan Paranormal romance
Steadfast Mercedes Lackey Fantasy
The Baron Next Door Erin Knightley Historical romance
How to School Your Scoundrel Juliana Gray Historical romance
Regency Sabotage Mary Nichols Historical romance
The Accidental Duchess Madeline Hunter Historical romance
When Day Breaks Maya Banks Romantic suspense
Concealed in Death J.D. Robb Romantic suspense
Bombshell Catherine Coulter Romantic suspense
Branded Laura Wright Contemporary romance
It Happened One Wedding Julie James Contemporary romance
Tangled Up Megan Hart, Sarah Morgan & Lauren Dane Contemporary romance
Zero Hour Clive Cussler & Graham Brown Thriller
The Widow’s Strike Brad Taylor Thriller
Hostage Chris Bradford Young Adult
Ransom Chris Bradford Young Adult
Dork Diaries: Holiday Heartbreak Rachel Renée Russell Young Adult
Dork Diaries: Dear Dork Rachel Renée Russell Young Adult
Dork Diaries: TV star Rachel Renée Russell Young Adult
Paper Towns John Green Young Adult
Fortunately, the Milk Neil Gaiman Children’s

I visited the store yesterday and the books had not been wrapped and price-tagged yet. So I am not sure when they will be ready for rent. If you are keen to borrow any of these books before the shop closes for ‘Hari Raya’, please call Mr Sam to avoid disappointment.

Thank you. Enjoy the long weekend.

New Arrivals – 18/07/2014


Sorry for the lack of updates on new arrivals. It’s been awhile since I visited SS Readers Corner. Here are some new books:

Title Author Genre
Wedding Night Sophie Kinsella Chick literature
The Last Man on Earth Tracy Ann Warren Contemporary Romance
Forged in Steele Maya Banks Romantic Suspense
When the Marquess Met His Match Laura Lee Guhrke Historical Romance
Wallflower Gone Wild Maya Rodale Historical Romance
Never Go Back Lee Child Thriller

Please visit our store or contact Mr Sam to rent the books.

Thank you and enjoy your weekend.

Writes of Passage: 50 books that will change YOUR life

The United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland celebrated World Book Day on 6 March 2014. To celebrate the glorious day, readers were invited to nominate books that have rocked their worlds. Votes were cast and a list of ‘Writes of Passage: 50 books that will change YOUR life’ was created. Using ‘Writes of Passage’ instead of ‘Rites of Passages’ for the survey/campaign… that’s brilliant!

Writes of Passage: 50 books that will change Your life

Writes of Passage: 50 books that will change YOUR life

Out of 50 books, 10 were chosen as the most popular books (see below). There is even a poster of the ‘top 10’ poster (click here to view).

Title Author Genre
1 The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins Dystopic, Science Fiction
2 The Fault in Our Stars John Green Romance
3 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee Fiction
4 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone J.K. Rowling Fantasy
5 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell Dystopia, Science Fiction
6 The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank Autobiography
7 A Street Cat Named Bob James Bowen Autobiography
8 Lord of The Rings J.R.R. Tolkien Fantasy
9 The Perks of Being a Wallflower Stephen Chbosky Fiction
10 Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë Historical romance

I am familiar with all the works (either by reading the books, watching book-to-film adaptations and/or visiting a memorial) except for ‘A Street Cat Named Bob’. I don’t usually read non-fiction but reviews seem good. Will read the book if my mood-for-something-different strikes.

Based on the ‘Writes of Passage’ list, is there any book that piques your interest? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.

If you have read any of the 50 books, like the page. 🙂

Author-readers Interaction: #3 Pinterest

“A picture is worth a thousand words”.

I totally agree with that saying because I am a visual learner. That’s why I love using Pinterest, a social networking website that is slowly gaining popularity worldwide. Pinterest is a virtual pinboard where users can search for images and videos on the internet and curate them based on a theme. I manage a wide collection of pins ranging from social media and e-Learning to music, books and Michael Fassbender (yes, I have a board devoted to him).

Booklovers are amongst active Pinterest users. A perfect example is a board that appreciates Stephen Chbosky‘s ‘The Perks of Being A Wallflower’ (refer below) . The board is decorated with images inspired by the book, as well as stills taken from the film. What I love about this board is ‘Charlie’s First Mixtape’ pin (I love the music featured in the book).

I believe that authors could use Pinterest to their advantages. They could:

  1. list all their books. To do so, pin book covers from own websites and write a brief description of each book. If visitors are curious about the book(s) and would like to get more information, they could click on ‘Visit Site’ button.
  2. use visuals to make their stories come alive. For example, Jo Beverley has a Pinterest board on her novel ‘A Shocking Delight’. She uses pictures of London and Devon in the early 1800 to illustrate the setting of the story.
  3. create a contest. Roost Books recently held a Pinterest contest to celebrate the release of ‘Tinkerlab: A Hands-On Guide for Little Investors’ by Rachelle Doorley. The winner uses the most colourful and creative images that encapsulate ‘Tinkering Inspiration’ theme.
  4. have a fun interaction with fans. In the ‘Who would be a good hero in …?’ board, Susan Elizabeth Phillips shares fans’ pick of actors for her “imaginary” book-to-movie adaptations.

Even though majority of Pinterest users (80%) are female, male authors/fans should not be discouraged. I must admit that it was hard to find a male author that uses Pinterest… until I discovered James Patterson’s Pinterest account (cue a fist pump!). I reckon his Pinterest appeals to many fans especially young fans (there are six boards dedicated to young readers).

I hope I have presented a convincing case for authors to sign up for Pinterest. If you would like to get detailed Pinterest guides for authors, visit The Book DesignerWriter’s Digest and DIYThemes .

Do you manage or follow a book-themed Pinterest board? Click on the ‘Like’ button below if your answer is ‘Yes’.

ps: This is a serial of blog posts about communication methods between author and readers. Post #1 is about Twitter, post #2 is about Facebook and post#4 is about Instagram.

New arrivals – 28/06/2014


It’s been awhile since my last visit to SS Readers Corner. Sorry for the lack of updates. Well I would like to inform you that there are new books for rent.

Title Author Genre
The Virgin of Clan Sinclair Karen Ranney Historical romance
What a Reckless Rogue Needs Vicky Dreiling Historical romance
The Once and Future Duchess Sophia Nash Historical romance
Rise of the Gryphon Sherrilyn Kenyon & Dianna Love Paranormal romance
The Curse Sherrilyn Kenyon & Dianna Love Paranormal romance
Sycamore Row John Grisham Thriller
Searching for Perfect Jennifer Probst Contemporary romance

To get your hands on one of these books, please head to our store.

Have a great weekend.